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First, I'll shoot images from locations I walk to in my city. For instance, this image was from the Metra stop near the University of Chicago.

Whenever I shoot my photos, I make sure to shoot in RAW format. I do this so that when I edit later, those edits won't destroy the image quality.

Transparent Border

A good shot! But let's Upgrade, shall we?

After shooting, I edit the images when I get home. The edits can range from touch ups to complete overhauls. For the train station image, I mirrored it, removed any text, changed the lighting, and altered the colors.



Transparent Border

Once the editing is done, I transfer the photo to my phone (my current drawing device) and mess with the colors more. After that, I start to sketch over the image, occasionally making more edits along the way.

Transparent Border

Looks kinda sketchy

After I finish the drawing, I do a final edit to intensify the colors and sharpen up the lines.
Then, BOOM. A finished image!

Transparent Border

Pretty snazzy, huh?

©2021 by Gabrielle Nance

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